The Kelce Brothers, Poopy Air Fresheners, and a Game-Changing Secret

The Kelce Brothers, Poopy Air Fresheners, and a Game-Changing Secret

If you've ever tried to cover up foul smells in the bathroom with an air freshener, then you know exactly what Travis Kelce and Jason Kelce were talking about in a recent episode of their New Heights podcast.

This podcast episode was a breath of fresh air, and Jason Kelce went on the record to declare himself an "Anti-Scented Candles" man. Both of the Kelce brothers and NFL stars were cracking up at the fact that using typical air fresheners just make your bathroom smell like [insert peach emoji 🍑] and [insert air freshener that rhymes with DaGreeze 😂]. 

While Jason Kelce believes that it can't be healthy to burn toxic fragrances and release them into the air (we totally agree), Travis Kelce said he's indifferent to candles, scented or unscented. 


People in the comments could definitely relate to this dilemma of making rooms smell nice vs "inhaling toxic chemicals into your nostrils." 

One IG user commented, "Who woulda thought Jason Kelce would join the crunchy mom anti fragrance movement! I'm here for it though👏"

Another told a harrowing story from their college days: "Had a roommate in college that pooped every morning at 5am and sprayed orange scented spray. So every morning I woke up to Shitrus flowing under the door 🙃🤮"

Many people commented that they still loved to use candles, but just the natural kind, made with clean ingredients, like soy wax and essential oils. 

Like the person who wrote: "I agree with Jason except there is holistic and natural candles! Essential oils from plants! Bees wax etc. but I love he’s into health esp w kiddos 👏"

Clearly, this is a topic many of us can relate to. We all want our homes to smell nice. We might not all be as brave as the center for the Philadelphia Eagles who says he doesn't mind smelling #2. And we've all realized for years, that the #1 air freshener on the market actually just makes bad smells smell worse.

One thing was clear from this conversation: the Kelce brothers may have a lot going for them, but they haven't yet learned about the game-changing secret of odor elimination. 

They may have Patrick Mahomes and Brittany Mahomes in their corner.

They may play for two of the top football teams in the NFL, the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs (who are headed to the Big Game, heyo!).

One of them may be married to the lovely and funny Kylie Kelce, and the other may be turning heads everywhere and breaking the Internet every second on his dates with Taylor Swift.

But they haven't yet been introduced to the MVP odor remover, a true defensive all-star that can tackle tough odors at the source, without the use of toxic fragrances and chemicals.

So, hey Kelce brothers. 👋We're Fresh Wave, and we're huge fans.

We'll just be over here, enjoying our naturally fresh homes and blasting Taylor Swift hits like "Spray it Off" and "Anti-Scented Candle Heroes."